Tuesday, April 13, 2010

The Story of Us.

The tangled web of how the four of us met is far too confusing and much too long for one blog post. So I will just tell you this, where we all come from and where we are all going are four very unique and different places, and in the whole scheme of things, the past and the future are unimportant. We live for the present. And in doing so, we find beauty daily in the simplest of things. Be it a good sunset and a great glass of wine, watching the cherry blossoms bloom in the city, or even the honor of becoming a "regular" at the corner coffee shop, it is the little things that make up so much of our happiness here in Seattle. With that being said, let me tell you a few of the little things about my three friends, with the intent being to show you why looking at even the greyest of skies can be beautiful with them by my side.

Taylor: Nothing this girl does is little. She confronts life head on and does everything in the most extreme of ways. Whether it be kicking ass and taking names (and promotions) at her hot-shot corporate job or creating a charcoal masterpiece that even DaVinci would smile at while just "sketching for fun", she never ceases to amaze me with her many talents, doing most of them on a total of three hours of sleep. Having lived with her before, I am finally beginning to grow accustomed to her oddities, those little quirks we all have that take others some time to figure out. For instance, I am now aware that the gangster rap blasting from her room down the hall does not necessarily mean she is in a vengeful or bad mood, in actuality she is probably just listening to the lyrics while contemplating the meaning of life and lighting incense. Taylor is a person that makes me question the things that I want out of my own life actually. She is constantly challenging herself to learn and grow and I am completely perplexed as to where she will be in ten years. And after spending an embarrassingly long time contemplating her very bright future, I see it as going one of two ways. Either she will be the VP of her current corporation, eating off silver platters, donating millions of dollars and much of her time to developing nations, and ridin' dirty in some private plane (that she better make available to me at all times) or she will be living abroad, speaking twelve languages, and designing organic clothing or something totally off the wall like that. Regardless, I know that whatever she does, Taylor will do with passion. Passion and three hours of sleep. Because when you face every day as a gift like she does, time is not to be wasted with your eyes closed.

Madison: Having gone to college with this girl in California, both of us can attest to the fact that Seattle has some pretty big shoes to fill. And when this city doesn't fill them or lets me down, when the clouds won't seem to go away, and when I can't seem to find a dive bar or a carne asada burrito that even comes close to comparing, Madison is there to be that little piece of sunshine that I need. Maybe it's her blonde hair (which recently got blonder... meaning summer is coming!) or her genuine smile, but having her in this city with me is a breath of fresh air. Literally. I feel like I can breathe around her, or heavily sigh, or not breathe at all if I want to. And often times I actually can't breathe when I'm with her because air tends to be hard to come by when you are laughing so hard it hurts. Though she tends to be self-conscious about her sense of humor, she doesn't really need to say much to make me laugh. Her brutal honesty is enough. That and her heinously funny faces that are definitely a close second to my own. Madison is the type of person that wants to make sure everyone is happy and comfortable, even if that means wearing a Chinese charm necklace on the day that she is showing an open house to an Asian couple on the Eastside. Being the fabulous real estate agent that she is, Madison has the ability to persuade like nobody's business. Sometimes using it to her advantage, convincing me to do things I wouldn't normally do such as take body shots or eat pasta made out of vegetables and one hundred percent wheat bread that is darker than night. She is a true friend through and through, and I love watching her grow and discover who she is and what she wants out of life (and out of dudes). And at the end of the day, I am always thankful knowing that I have a sidekick and a little piece of that California sunshine.

Darcy: There is something to be said about growing up with someone. Maybe it's the many years and many changes, getting to know each other's families, or just being able to keep each other grounded and held accountable, whatever it is, it runs deep. As does my love for Darcy. After watching each other tackle high school and its dramas, family and their issues, boyfriends and their lack of intelligence, understanding, and commitment, we have come out on top. Hand in hand. Growing apart during college and then growing back together again as we both pursue our dreams here in Seattle away from our hometowns and college towns. I seek refuge in Darcy and her simplicities. And though I don't understand how she keeps so many things and feelings inside that head of hers, much can be said through her silence. She is a careful person, thinking through her words before she speaks them, something that my loud mouth could probably learn a few things from. But when she laughs, its like light is pouring out of her and every person in the room has to laugh as well. It is that laugh that has carried us through the years, through the good times, the bad times, and everything in between. Watching her life progress has been such a ride, and selfishly I am so happy for multiple reasons that she has figured it all out and followed her heart here to Seattle for art school. One being that I have her as my partner in crime daily, and two being that I get first dibs on her first fashion line which I already know will be internationally recognized as soon as she quits being shy about her amazing ability to sketch and create. Growing up with Darcy, I could never have guessed that the crazy, perky pony-tailed girls who used to sneak into bars together in Idaho every summer would end up here, sophisticated, stylish, and still sneaking into bars (on occasion) in the big city. I guess some things never change. And for that, I am thankful.

As for myself, you'll learn about me as time goes on, just as I am learning about myself more and more with each day that passes. I know who I was and I know who I want to become. But for now, I am just working on who I am in this moment. I am living each day as it comes, searching for the beauty in it, and finding those simple things in my friends, in this city, in life that truly make me happy.

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